In line with the club's written constitution, SMFC has incorporated a disciplinary/complaints procedure that will allow us to conduct a comprehensive and equitable investigation into any alleged complaint levied against anyone connected to the club.
All complaints/allegations will be requested in writing for the attention of the Chairman/Welfare Officer.
In the event that the complaint/allegation is directed against the Chairman/Welfare Officer then it will be requested in writing for the attention of the Discipline Officer.
The complaint will be investigated by an officer of the club and the proposed resolution will be made in writing to the petitioner of the complaint/allegation subject to the nature of the complaint/allegation being of a low and mild nature such as general conduct and day-to-day issues/complaints. In these cases, the Discipline Officer will normally carry out the investigation, but another Officer can be selected by the Chairman/Welfare Officer depending on the severity of the misconduct and any possible conflicts of interest.
Serious complaints/allegations such as those of a sexual or violent nature or anything that may constitute a criminal offence will be investigated by the Chairman/Welfare Officer/Discipline Officer or by a nominated officer in the instance of a conflict of interest with the Chairman/Welfare Officer/Discipline Officer as deemed appropriate.
Serious complaints /allegations levied at any person connected to the club will be suspended from their position pending investigation.
Subject to the findings of the investigation it may be escalated at the next officers meeting if deemed necessary or an extraordinary officers meeting will be called at the discretion of the Chairman/Welfare Officer.
All investigations into complaints/allegations will commence within 7 working days of written receipt of the complaint/allegation being received subject to it not conflicting with Police or any other governing bodies’ enquiries.
The Chairman/Welfare Officer/Discipline Officer will endeavour to resolve and respond in writing within 21 working days of written receipt of a mild complaint/allegation.
All resolved complaints/allegations would be discussed at the next monthly Committee meeting to ensure that as an organisation we learn from our mistakes.
Any person/s connected to the club deemed as bringing the club into disrepute or damaging the good name and reputation of the club will be suspended from their position pending a full investigation by a nominated investigating officer until the outcome of a hearing between the person/s involved, the investigating officer and the presiding officer, preferably the Chairman or Welfare Officer.
Complaints/allegations will be stored in a database.
For general misconduct cases request for appeal hearings must be made within 5 working days of the outcome of an investigation to the Chairman/Welfare Officer/Discipline officer.
Appeal hearings will be heard by a nominated club committee member.
The Club Committee shall have the power to expel a member when, in their opinion, it would not be in the interests of the Club for them to remain a member. There shall be no appeal procedures.